

Found a great post today! It kind of hit me because I have been a little out of it myself, with not a lot of motivation to wake up in the morning much less crafts or being frugal!

I liked the part about just helping someone, it doesn’t have to be financial but just taking notice of someone else that could use a helping hand or a kind word!

This should be something practiced everyday!

Tuesday to do do

Well, it has offically been two weeks since my husband left on business. I have started so many projects to keep me busy and even finished a long to-do list. I do still have a few things to accomplish and a few that I need him to help me finish. But it amazing how much one can accomplish without the distractions of your mate.

Things I have finished:

1. The wreath on the front door. Even got it hung up!

2. I ordered the prints for my picture frames from my wedding (6 months ago) and hung them all up!

3. I ended up buying curtains instead of making them. For now it was the better deal and the bonus of this and what I am most proud of myself for, is that I found bamboo rods at Michaels and used them, instead of getting real curtain rods, for a fraction of the price. I couldn’t find a decent Curtain rod for less than $20 each. Well I got 3 Bamboo rods for $5 a piece and they bring an earthiness to the house that I love!

4. I Finished and mailed those shower invites.

5.  I found that stupid King size bed frame I had been looking for and after many failed attempts was able to locate at my favorite GoodWill and so the Bed is finally off the floor and looks half way decent. This was also a bargain $15 vs, the cheapest I could find on craigslist or other of $55.

6. I stopped and bought a few pumpkins for decoration of the front porch. Also, my dearest sweet mother chipped in a bought a few mums and other flowers to spruce up the Front of the house! Which was much needed.

7. I found the perfect fabric for that chair I have been dieing to re-upholster and the fabric was $13.  – Just need to re-upholster now!

Man… after I list them all out it doesn’t seem to be all that much. The biggest problem is the time to do it. I work til 5 I don’t get home til 5:30 then I have to get the dogs walked usually 30 min to an hour and then still cook and then I am playing taxi to KeVaughn and so I have maybe 2 hours to craft or hobby or whatever before I am HIT hard by the Sand man.. haha And, then to throw a curve ball Elijah is back in the hospital which is 45 min to an hour away I have to visit him once or twice a week or go through withdrawals and plus it keeps his Mom from turning  into a nut job… so when I do that, like I did yesterday I can pretty much forget about planning anything else after that!

Tonight my sister with the eye for detail is coming over to help me put final touches on my house so that it looks wonderful for Emily’s shower. Which I am hoping to hear from everyone, no RSVP’s yet… but I’m not going to worry until this weekend then I will start making arrangements for replacement guests… j/k… kinda…

Then I received the good news that Mr.Wonderful will be returning on the 3rd of November. Which is perfect, because I have a small lists of things that I need him to finish before I have a bunch of people in the house.

With just a few to-do’s left I’m getting excited for the 6th of Novemeber

1. practice cupcake recipes to find the right one for shower.

2. Finish making favors for guests.

3. wrap the last present.

4. final touches for decor.


Thats it! I love being prepared for parties.. takes the stress away!


I’m on my way to becoming a Beer  professional! I have become a regular at the little Shamrock pub downtown Sarasota, and to say that it is amazingly the best pub ever would be a understatement.  Yes, my husband is on day #11 of being away.. so I have had to fill my time. Not that I turned into a bar fly by any standard, because I have spent most of my time getting house hold projects done. But at the end of the day what is better than cold beer. I have been partaking in the in the pumpkin spice and the Pumpking, which are my fav fall beers so far. Then, a beer angel introduced me to this banana bread beer. OMG! heavenly. it smells sweet to trick the brain but, don’t get it twisted there is no sugar or sweetness in this flavor beyond the smell and name. It does melt in your mouth and fill that gap where desert should be. I’m not going to say that it is low in calories, I have no idea how many calories it has, I mean it is still beer for goodness sake. But it is delicious!

Well, I am ranting on… I had two beers and ready for bed.. but had to express this gift from the beer gods and let anyone who cares to try try try!

Frugal Alert 10/19/10

So, it has been awhile since I have posted a frugal alert! But, it has been awhile since I felt that I found a GREAT DEAL!

Well, I have been wanting to re-upholster this old chair that I have and love but have been putting it off. Well, not so much putting it off I have been busy with other things, and I wasn’t going to spend hundreds of dollars to do it, so I was waiting for the right opportunity! Any WHo.. I did.

I had to run into Joanne’s yesterday looking for Crepe paper which does not exist where I live and thought hey check out the clearance rack. The clearance rack was not just the CLEARANCE rack it was a plus 50% more off the clearance rack !!! Wahoo! I found a few different fabrics that I fell in love with but had to settle on one. So the fabric was originally $26.00 a yard. It was marked down to $9.00 a yard and then 50% off that yes I did! I bought great fabric for $4.50 a yard. I bought 3 yards and so a grand total of….. dun dun dun….. $$13.40

So, I have to run back before the sale ends on the 23rd, because I need new foam for the seat cushion and that’snot the cheapest stuff to buy, but If I can walk away with a brand new looking chair for less than $50 I will be a VERY VERY happy FRUGAL chick! I will have to put up pictures of said chair, because it is fabulous and I haven’t done anything to it. I seen one just like it in the pottery barn mag for like $500 dollars! SO PB eat your heart out and weep!


I better save my trash talk for after I finish my project… I don’t want to jinx the situation! Patience is so a virtue!

Projects I have completed

So, I have been busy and lacking on my pictures and blogging period. SO here are a few of the things I have been working on.

Bridal shower invites. Done and in the mail

.Took longer than I thought. But doesn't everything

took forever.. but worth it!

Here comes the bride!

And, I really wanted a wreath for my door. So this is what I created! Now I just have to figure out how to hang it !

This is also a FRUGAL ALERT! this wreath cost less than $10 to make. It may look like it.. hehe but I love it and I couldn’t afford a $40 wreath like I wanted!

tada! I love it!

See my flowers!

I have done more.. I have been working on my living room. So That will be another post after the weekend! Just need a few more finishing touches!

Same Game, New Strategy

OK.. So, not that I have any followers but even if you read any of my posts it is not hard to see that I have been lazy in my attempts to be frugal.  I have been lazy in posting and what posts I have posted are lacking WOW and Frugal fabulousness.

I have had a bit of a wacky few weeks that have taken my energy away from such things and the real blog world. I am new to this whole blog thing so I am trying to make habit of recording my life with words and pictures, The words not as hard as remembering to take pictures of everything and I mean everything, like so many fabulous blogs I see.

So, I am aware of how mine lacks the “HOT DAMN!!!” factor. And, I’m trying…

I do have a memory card full of pictures the challenge now is to track down my cord so that I can get said pictures off the camera and into my blog!

I have completed my first wreath that I had to make and have after seeing so many at the store that although absolutely stunning and beautiful, I refused to spend that kind of money on something that doesn’t fly me to my next paradise destination.

I have almost completed decorating my living room. Well, I don’t know if anyone is ever finished decorating, but I’m getting my living room to finally flow.

I got Charlie neutered. ;( – which I posted before was a FRUGAL ALERT! $55.00

My living room will have its own post because it really was a FRUGAL ALERT TREASURE! I’m trying to work with what I have and that ain’t much.. but needless to say I’m making it work.

My husband is gone on business for the next month so my ability to budget and track what is going on should improve. This also, just gives me more free time to get things done and BLOG about it! I am trying to find the positive things of my honey being gone because day 3 and I’m already missing him.

I’m usually good for 14 days and then drastic measures to keep my sanity are needed. But my blog should really grow this month! I do have many things going on month to keep me on my toes and buzzing like a bee. Which is great because I will have much to blog about.

I am planning Emily’s Bridal shower and that takes place on the 6th of November so right around the corner. Trying to plan and decorate and buy gifts and then the 5k this weekend. Which kills a whole weekend so that makes time that much tighter, and then having to budget and still be frugal while having to spend extra to make sure that everything is wonderful for her special day, is another obstacle on my course. So, like I said much to blog AND learn this month!

I am excited!

New and Old Projects

So, the weekend is approaching and I have a list of projects that I hope to start and even accomplish this weekend. Which may be a little difficult because Most of Sunday is Dedicated to football. haha! Well I am trying to get my house together as I have said my husband and I got married 5 months ago and moved into a bigger home so I am trying to make it homie-ish. We both didn’t have a bunch a stuff to start with so as any first time home owner knows it takes a little time.

We have all the major items like furniture, Now for the hard part… filling in the spaces. So I have been on a man-hunt to find things like curtains and pictures and vases.. you know the crap that is needed to make the house feel welcoming.

My first instict was to make curtains, but after stopping by Jo-annes picking out fabric and having them cut the fabric.. I realized that making curtains really wasn’t the economical way to go. I found great Linen curtains on clearance at Marshalls for way less then what I was going to pay at Joannes even with my 50% coupon… and buying them was just the start, I would still have to make them… Which I do love a good project, this time though the cost didn’t out way the benefit and I have a bunch of stuff to do to get my house ready for Emily Shower in a month, not to mention plan the shower.

So, I have made of list of what I am buying for my house this weekend to make it fabulous on a budget… When I put up the pics on Sunday or Monday you will be amazed! (I hope) At what I found and what I spent!

Also, I have have have to finish making the invitations that I started. I am half way there so that is a good thing.

I would like to take the fabric off that chair I want to re-upholster and I have a few ideas for art in the bathroom that I want to make.


1. Curtains buy and then put them up.

I bought the curtains I had my eye on…. So let’s keep our fingers crossed that they look good in my living room.

2. Finish shower invites

Invitations are done and in the mail.

3. Guest bathroom wall art.

This one is really at a stand still… But I have a feeling a new inspiration will replace my original thoughts on this “wall art”

4. Take off the fabric from old chair.. and try and find new fabric.

I think that will fill up most of my time.. I also must make time for the beach I’m starting to look like a northerner… I need my vitamin D or I go insane.

So, Like I like to say.. because I am a dork. Don’t B Plastic B green! Have a great weekend and lets all cheer for the Bears and hope that they KICK THE CRAP OUT OF THE GIANTS ON SUNDAY!!!!!

Here is a pic of my GOOD LUCK CHARM! Eli my new football buddy!


"good luck charm"

Go BEARS!!!!


To follow Eli updates check out his Mom’s Blog…

Borrow = frugal unless you break it!

So, I am very much so trying to control my spending, save a little and STILL enjoy life! So, to see the BIG picture you have to have little pictures.  You have to allow for living of life otherwise you really aren’t living you’re just a robot, a very stressed out robot.

So, we are going to go camping this weekend! We love camping! There is nothing like smelling like burnt wood, fresh air, and becoming one with nature. Camping is a great mini vacation and if you know what you are doing it can be a cheap thrill! If you are going camping for the first time it can get a little pricey but we have been doing this for years. Well, I actually haven’t gone camping in 2 years but I have been doing it for years. So. We already have things and thanks to my many many friends and family they have and let me borrow what I am lacking.  SO!  Borrow = frugal unless you break it. So don’t break anything that you borrow and your good to go!

The great thing about camping is that IF you  need to buy supplies they can last for a long time and get many many uses so that the memories you can create will outweigh the cost. “WORTH THE MONEY is what I am saying!”

So, Monday I will have lots of pictures and suggestions and recommendations and memories to share. Right now I gotta jet… I’m going camping!

Have a great weekend! and LETS GO BEARS!!!!!!!!

Invitations my way…

So I am trying something new. I am making or “trying” to make invitations for my soon to be sister in-law’s Wedding shower. These are a few I have mocked up… Haven’t figured this whole thing out yet, and I am trying to keep my budget down, so trying not to spend more than what it would cost to buy invitations in the store. If you have any say so or knowledge on what I am doing wrong or right please let me know.

This is me, trying to be a “Crafty Bitch” love that!

I do want them to look craftyMore to come!

Not just frugal but healthy

So, I started this blog to well… the first reason was to give me something to do when I was completely bored at work. ssshhhh. and then it was also, to track  all of my crazy ADHD ideas and random thoughts and projects and life and see what other people are doing. I am also on a long mission of becoming more frugal so that i can enjoy more of life. Life meaning Vacations and traveling and family time and learning and getting to experience COOL stuff and meeting interesting people. I would also, one day like to pay off my student loans and live without a car payment.

I also, want to be healthy and balanced. A lot of people think i am crazy when I say that I need to workout.  (I’m a skinny girl) But let me tell you Skinny does not mean healthy! That is a huge misconception from other unhealthy people.  I think I will find a better view of money and life when I  start taking good care of myself. Right now my life is just this floating to keep my head above water and no real goals. No goals for how I want to look, or what I want to do, or what I might want to do next week.  I feel at times that I am just here. and I really don’t want to feel that way. I feel like I used to have things to look forward to and I have stopped because I let money get in the way. which having money does help but I do have money. I’m just not allocating it correctly.

It is also easy to spend money on dumb stuff if you don’t have a Picture of what you want to save it for. So here is one picture of a GOAL – Family trip in February to Lake Tahoe.