Running for a Cause

This weekend coming up October 16th, 2010 I will be participating in my first 5k! Which I am so excited about. I have been wanting to do one of these forever, but lacked focus and commitment! But I am really going to do it!

My brother, sister in-law, KeVaughn and myself will be walking for Elijah! The 5k is to support and bring awareness for the Fetal Hope Foundation. This is obviously something that hits home for me, Because of Eli.  Anything I can do that can potentially help him and babies and families like him is  important to me. This may seem selfish but I’m in love with my nephew and want him to get the best care and find answers to his issues and doing so will help other families that are experiencing some of the same issues.

I’m also, doing this to support Emily and my brother for although we are a very close family they deal with this on another level. For them to be around other children and parents that share experiences is important for them. To talk about the illness with people who know their language, has to bring a sense of comfort and bond that I won’t get.

I am also doing this to educate myself more. The more I know about what my nephew is dealing with and will need to deal with in the future the more I can support all of them. So… If anyone is interested in learning more please follow the link.

If anyone would like to donate for the cause you can do so via the link and or contact me!


Elijah update 10/4/10

I’m putting this in my Brag blog category because I am SO proud of Elijah for being a Fighter and also, of his Mama, who has unselfishly taken all this upon her shoulders and just deals with it!

I went and picked up Elijah and him Mom from the hospital yesterday. They had been there for 2 weeks. That UTI he had in Indiana never cleared up and so 102 fever sent him to hospital and there he stayed. Since he was in the hospital already and wasn’t gaining weight at the rate they are looking for, he had his 2nd surgery. They attached a feeding tube to his stomach. He did gain 2.5 lbs while in the hospital and the chunkier he gets the cuter he gets! He now is 12lbs!  Him gaining weight is So important for him, so that he can reach mile stones like sitting up and crawling. And more surgery’s. I guess the plan now is to get him to 22lbs so that he can have his Kidney transplant surgery.

For those of you who may be interested there is a foundation that supports kids like Elijah.

Fetal Hope Foundation…

Also, we as in Emily, Lee and Elijah and myself are driving up to Jacksonville, FL to walk the 5k in support for the Fetal Hope Foundation. You can find information about this event and others on the above link. I am passionate about this of course because I have a direct link to it. But, when you gain more awareness of these issues you will realize that this could happen to any of us.

Baby Elijah Update

Wow! did we have a scare this week with my nephew Elijah! We thought that we were going to have to start the dialysis and his kidneys were shutting down faster than we expected! But this is not the case. He just has a UTI that caused him to become a little dehydrated and his levels to sky rocket. So for all you who put him in your prayers we (OUR FAMILY) thanks you!

Praying for a Happy beginning to a great life

I added a new page to my blog. “Elijah the Magnificent” This is the story of my nephew and his fight to live. He was born with many complications and is fighting to surpass his odds. He is one of my life’s greatest joys.

Despite his Odd’s Eli has managed to be one of the best babies. Happy, smiling, full of personality and a delight to be with.