Turning tricks into income

I have just really started into this blog world not even wet behind the ears yet and I wasn’t really sure that I would have enough “to Say” to even keep going after my first few posts. I mean I’m pretty much silent all day and then by the time I get home I’m so worn out from just sitting there staring at the screen that I forget the rest of what I have to say… not that half of it means anything.
Well, anyways in recent developments I have heard through the rumor mill that my job may be at stake.. not because of anything that I have done but they have decided to close a few branches due to the fact that they don’t need them. They are a waste of money and resources, which is what I have thought for a while now. Well, looks like I am not the only one. So, even though the rumor also says that I will keep my job, with a different twist to my duties (which is fine if it gives me something to do all day) but if the rumor is false than I will be heading head first into the GREAT world of unemployment… at least I won’t be lonely in that world. Regardless, if I am the only one or not who wants to be unemployed unless by choice?
Well, I have obvioulsy started updating my resume and linkedin site, amongst trying to figure out how are other people making money and staying afloat during these economic times of desperation. I mean I did start this blog…trying to be frugal… which I guess is great and needed if I have a job or not. But, beyond that I can be as frugal as I want but after looking over my monthly expenses there really isn’t much to cut out besides cable and paying off my credit card… which I do every month anyways.
Well, I was wondering how I could maybe possibly make money off my blog and or crafts. Maybe if I had real time to nurture it into something great, people would want to read it. Also, I ran across this great blog


and he really does have a lot of great ideas. I will have a bunch to do in just research or even if I wanted to do it while continuing my full-time employment.
Going back to school is the next thing that always pops into my head everytime the LAYOFF word starts floating around.. but then I have to pay out more money or gain more debt and right now, the thought of debt just does not RING like church bells to me.

So, I am researching and if anyone else knows of ways that can keep out of the work force and working for myself would be much appreciated. I don’t know how much longer I can stand to stare at the walls of this cubical if I keep my job or not. I much rather spend my days making things and talking to real people.